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Events: Upcoming Events

A welcome return to meetings

After a long gap we are very excited to return to physical meetings.

The first of these will be at 8pm on Wednesday 18th May in St Dunstan’s Church Hall.

The speaker will be Chris Day of Buckingham Garden Centre.

And we will be looking at “Re-Inventing the Garden Border”.

Chris looks at the different perspectives on the types of plants we can grow and looks at the possibilities for keeping the interest and colour coming through the whole year.

This talk also covers how gardens have changed over the last few hundred years.

After a long wait, it will be great to see as many back as possible.

Events: Text


Published 21/2/22

Dear Members

After a gap of almost 2 years, the committee are busy planning the schedule for a Summer Show on 6th August,  whilst organising a quiz on 23rd April and planning some evening meetings.

We thank you for your continued support especially those who deliver the schedules and collect the subscriptions, and those who help on Show Day. Some of you have done this for many years, Thank You.  We will need extra manpower on both Friday 5th August and Saturday 6th to assist with setting up and running the Summer Show. If you are willing to help please contact Andrew Leach, details are below.

Sadly we have recently lost ex committee member Doreen Keston who had been a supporter of the society for many years. Many of you will remember Doreen as the lady who organised the raffle at the evening meetings.

To make delivering the schedules and collecting the subscriptions easier in future we will be asking as many of you as possible to pay directly into the bank account using BACS by the end of March. Bank details are:  TSB Sort code 30-96-86 A/C number 00106246  A/C Name Monks Risborough  Horticultural Society  PLEASE  identify yourself clearly in the reference box.  Surname & First Name/s.  The cost of membership remains as before £10 family & £6 single.

The MRHS QUIZ is on Saturday 23rd April at Monks Risborough School, doors open at 6.30pm for a start at 7.00pm. Price just £7.50 per person as this year we are asking you to bring your own food and drink.   The usual tables of 8, If you haven’t booked your place yet please contact society secretary Betty Cresswell  01844 344837

On Wednesday 18th May we have a talk by Chris Day of Buckingham Nurseries venue  now confirmed as St Dunstans Hall, details will appear on our website..  


We have a new website:

Contact Details:        

Andrew Leach (Chairman)     07909 970204


Events: News & Updates
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